Saturday, February 28, 2009

Upcoming Events!

2009 is already promising to be a nice year for the distro! I have already scheduled to table at two upcoming events.

April 19th - New Jersey Zine Fest - New Brunswick, NJ at Rutgers University.

May 9th - DIY Fest - Baltimore, MD at 2640 St. Paul St.

Also in the works is the Richmond Zine Fest, which I help to organize. That will be in the fall.

Remember that July is International Zine Month. Visit the IZM blog to read details about a free compilation zine I am creating about how we all got into zines.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Click Clack is moving right along!

So.. I am sick today. No no, not playing hooky. I have some sort of weird neausea/inner ear thing that is making me super dizzy when I stand up. It's not good.

Because of that I am staying home and trying not to move around too much. This means, I definitely have more time to work on the website! Typing zine descriptions is WAY more stressful that I ever imagined it to be. I know it'll be easier in the long run since I will not have so many to do at once.

In other news... I finished my own zine, Introvert #6 this weekend! Another reason I am trying to work so quickly in getting the website launched, since it will be much easier just to sell it from there.

Right now, a little preview of the site is up for view,